The very nature of existence, of experiencing our own existence, is primal.
The recurring theme to Gojanovic’s work is
existentialism, the struggle of the common
man to overcome, or just to understand,
the forces that are larger than himself that
shape his existence.
existentialism, the struggle of the common
man to overcome, or just to understand,
the forces that are larger than himself that
Man is a vessel that
carries his soul if released to the sky the
two become whole. ENERGY. We all walk
a path of many tales and in the end the story
will be told. A window is not to only open
and close, it is to see the beauty around.
Her work is not subject to cultural trends
or current events.
Her themes are
timeless. The very nature of existence, of
experiencing our own existence, is
primal. It goes beyond thought or words.
Her paintings emerge from the
subconscious mind, a place where words
do not exist in and of themselves.
The subconscious constantly keeps its own
record of experience. It is the fertile
ground that germinates our ideas of who
we are and where we are going. This is
where she resides when she paints:
beyond words or trends. The
subconscious is a mystical place, and
its primal propulsion drives us all.
So in her paintings, through repetitive
symbols, strong colors and shapes she
attempts to create an emotional state in
the viewer that allows him to connect to
his own core strengths, transcending the
Sisyphean tasks of daily life and thereby
reaching a state of hope and enlightenment.
symbols, strong colors and shapes she
attempts to create an emotional state in
the viewer that allows him to connect to
his own core strengths, transcending the
Sisyphean tasks of daily life and thereby
reaching a state of hope and enlightenment.
Her work has been exhibited in the
United States and Croatia and is in the
private collections of David Copperfield,
Magician/Entertainer and Dr. Laura
Schlessinger, Radio Personality. In 2007
she was commissioned to paint Senator
Hillary Clinton’s portrait.
United States and Croatia and is in the
private collections of David Copperfield,
Magician/Entertainer and Dr. Laura
Schlessinger, Radio Personality. In 2007
she was commissioned to paint Senator
Hillary Clinton’s portrait.